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Google Ranking Factors (Important Criteria)

Google ranking factors It is one of the most important things you should pay attention to. You must fulfill these factors in order for your site to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Google ranking criteria I have prepared a comprehensive guide on the subject.

To increase your site ranking and appear on the first page of Google, you should take into account all the algorithms I will list below.

Every website owner should pay attention to these important items, which we call SEO criteria. Not being able to rank high on Google negatively affects both your earnings and your visitor flow. For this reason, you should consider SEO in every field.

The only thing Google confirms is that it uses approximately 200 ranking signals when determining organic search page rankings.

There are many signals among these signals, such as factors related to your domain, on-page factors, off-page factors, site-level factors and technical factors.

I have listed the Google ranking factors below. Examining the list thoroughly will be very useful for the course of your site:

Google Ranking Factors List

1. Domain Name Factors

google ranking factors domain name
google ranking factors domain name

1- Domain Age: As your domain age increases, your reputation in the eyes of Google will increase in direct proportion.

However, the difference between the two domains of 6 months and 1 year has been expressed by Matt Cutts as negligible.

2- Inclusion of the Keyword in the Domain: Although not as much as before, having your keyword in your domain name still has a very important place among google's ranking criteria.

Sample: Just like a barber shop's website domain address is In other words, understanding which subject / business the site is related to from the domain address.

3- Keyword being the first word of the domain: The criterion that Google considers more important than including the keyword in the domain address is to use the keyword you use at the very beginning of the domain address.

For example, in the example below, the keyword is in the first word of the domain, based on the word monetization:

4- Domain Registration Period: Due to the fact that most of the domain addresses purchased for 1 year are not extended at the end of 1 year, google does not trust the domain addresses registered for only 1 year, with the thought that they will probably not be renewed in line with the experience and statistics it has gained.

For this reason, purchasing your domain addresses for at least 3 – 5 years will be a factor in favor of your site being at the top of google rankings. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

5- Using the Keyword in Sub-Domain: Including the keyword in the subdomain name will ensure that your subdomain address rank high in searches for that keyword.

6- Domain History: The change of domain name owner can both negatively affect the links to the domain and cause Google to reset the site's history. Resetting means the site's position in google eyes - resetting its position.

7- Fully Matched Domain: Exact match means that the domain name matches the keyword exactly.

Example: To the Google search bar "domain inquiry" It's like having appear in front of someone who writes in the results.

If your site is of good quality, using a fully matched domain address will give you an advantage in terms of your ranking on Google.

If you are using a low quality, fully matched domain address just to use this advantage, that is, if you are trying to produce empty content and only make up on it, on the contrary, this will turn into a disadvantage rather than an advantage. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

8- Public or Private Domain Owner: Hiding the Whois record, ie not making the name and contact details of the domain owner public; It can be perceived as having something to hide by google and negatively affect your site's ranking.

9- Penalized Domain Owner: The domain address purchased by someone who was previously tagged as a spam user by Google is also treated the same in Google's eyes.

10- Country Extension: If your domain address ends with tr, which is the Turkish extension, will contribute positively to your ranking within the country.

2. Content Factors

google ranking factors
google ranking factors

11- Finding Keywords in the Title Tag: While not as critical as it used to be, your title tag remains an important on-page SEO signal.

12- Starting Title Tag with Keyword: According to Moz, title tags that begin with a keyword tend to outperform title tags with the keyword at the end.

seo compatible header
seo compatible header

13 Finding Keywords in the Description Tag: Google does not use the meta description tag as a direct ranking signal. However, your description tag can affect click-through rates, which is a key ranking factor. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

14- Finding Keywords in H1 Tag: H1 tags “2. Also known as the "Title Tag". According to this study, along with your title tag, Google uses the H1 tag as a secondary relevance signal:

15- TF-IDF: “How often does a particular word appear in a document?” It's a more elegant way of saying it. The more often a word appears on a page, the more relevant the page is to that word. Google uses a more sophisticated version of TF-IDF.

16- Content Length: Content consisting of more words covers a wider area and is more preferable by the algorithm than artificial or shorter content. In fact, a recent industry study of ranking factors has shown that content length correlates with ranking. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

17- Contents Section: Using a linked table of contents can help Google better understand your page content. It can also be displayed in sitelink extensions. For example, the linking in the articles at the top of this article is an example of this. Redirect links within the page can also be displayed in this way.

18- Keyword Density: While not as important as it used to be, Google can use keyword density to determine the topic of a webpage. However, overdoing it may not be good for your website. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

keyword density seo
keyword density seo

19- Latent Semantic (LSI) Indexing of Keywords in Content: LSI keywords help search engines extract meanings for words that have more than one meaning. (for example, Apple means both computer company and apple in English.) The presence/absence of LSI keywords is also perceived as a signal of content quality.

20- Having LSI Keywords in Title and Description Tags: With web page content, LSI keywords in page meta tags allow Google to recognize words that have more than one meaning. It can also be perceived as a relevance signal. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

21- Pages Covering the Subject in Depth: There is a known correlation between depth of topic coverage and Google rankings. Therefore, pages that cover a topic from all angles may be more advantageous in ranking than pages that cover the same topic from only one angle.

22- HTML Page Loading Speed: Both Google and Bing use page load speed as a ranking factor. Search engines can predict your site's loading speed based on your page's HTML code.

23- Chrome Page Loading Speed: Google can use Chrome user data to measure page load speed. In this way, how fast a page loads to users can be measured. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

24- AMP Usage: Although it is not directly among the Google ranking criteria, AMP is a requirement to be included in the ranking in the mobile version of Google News.

25- Entity Mapping: Does the content of the page match the “entity” the user is looking for? If so, that page may rank very high for that word. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

26- Google Hummingbird: This “algorithm change” has helped Google beyond words. Thanks to Hummingbird, Google now has a better understanding of the subject matter of a web page.

27- Copy Content: Duplicate content (even slightly modified) on the same site can negatively affect the site's search engine visibility.

28- Rel=Canonical: When used regularly, the use of this tag can prevent Google from penalizing your site for duplicate content.

29- Visual Optimization: Images send important relevance signals to search engines from filenames, text, titles, descriptions and headlines. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

30- Content Innovation: The Google Caffeine update highlights newly published or updated content, especially for time-sensitive searches. To underline the importance of this factor, Google shows the date the page was last updated for specific pages:

31- Size of Content Updates: The importance of regulations and changes is also perceived as a factor of innovation. Adding or removing complete chapters is more important than changing a few words or correcting typos. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

32- Chronological Page Updates: How often is your page updated over time? Daily, weekly, every 5 years? The frequency of page updates also plays an important role in the freshness of the page.

33- Highlighting the Keyword: There is a correlation between the keyword being in the first 100 words of the page content and being in the first page results on Google.

34- Keywords in H2, H3 Tags: Having your keyword as a subheading in H2 or H3 format can be perceived as another weak relevance signal.

35- Quality of Outbound Links: Many SEOs think that linking to pages of quality sites sends a signal of trust to Google, and this idea is supported by a recent study. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

36- Theme of Outbound Links: According to the Hillop Algorithm, Google can use the content of the pages you link to as a relevance signal. For example, if you have a page about cars and you include links to movies on that page, Google may conclude from there that your page is about movie cars, not cars.

37- Grammar and Spelling Rules: While the correct use of grammar and spelling is a positive signal, Cutts gave mixed messages a few years ago about whether this topic is important or not.

38- Content Used Multiple Times: Is your content on the page original? Content copied or partly taken from a previously indexed or non-indexed page is also negatively affected in ranking.

39- Mobile Friendly Page Update: Often referred to as “Mobilegeddon”, this update rewarded mobile-optimized pages.

40- Mobile Usability: Sites that users can easily access from mobile can be positively affected by Google's “Mobile First Index” update. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

41- “Hidden” Content on Mobile: Hidden content on mobile devices may not be indexed when compared to fully visible content. However, a Google expert recently stated that private content is also appropriate. Again in the same video, “… if this is important content, it should be visible.” it has been tried.

42 Auxiliary “Supporting Content”: According to the public Google Evaluator Guide, helpful supporting content is a factor in determining the quality of the page (and therefore ranking). Examples include currency conversions, loan interest calculations, and interactive recipes. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

43- Content Hidden Between Tabs: Do users need to click on a tab to access some content on your page? If so, Google has indicated that this content may not be indexed.

44- Number of Outbound Links: Increasing the number of outbound links can create a “leak” in the page ranking, which can lower the page's ranking.

45- Multimedia: Images, videos and other multimedia elements can be perceived as content quality signals. A correlation was seen between multimedia and ranking. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

46- Number of Links Redirecting to a Page within the Site: The number of links pointing to a page within the site indicates the importance of that page compared to other pages on the site. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

47- Quality of Links Redirecting to a Page within the Site: It can be said that links from authorized pages take priority over pages with low page rankings or those that cannot be ranked.

48- Broken Links: More than one broken or non-working link on the same page can be a sign of a neglected or abandoned site. The Google Evaluator Guide document can use broken links to measure the quality of the homepage. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

49- Reading Level: There is no doubt that Google detects the reading levels of web pages. In fact, Google used to share reading level statistics beforehand. But what they do with this information is open to debate. Some say that the basic reading level will rank your site higher because it will engage large audiences. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

50- Affiliate Links: Affiliate links themselves do not harm your ranking. However, if you have a lot of affiliate links, Google's algorithm may take a closer look at other quality signals to make sure your site is not a "weak affiliate site."

51- HTML Errors / W3C Validation: Many HTML errors or sloppy coding can indicate a poor quality site. Arguably, many SEO experts consider a well-coded page to be used as a quality signal. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

52- Domain Name Authority: All other factors being equal, a site on an authoritative (authoritative) domain will rank higher than a site on a less authoritative domain.

53- Page Order of the Page: There is no perfect correlation. Pages with more proprietary links rank higher than pages with non-proprietary links.

54- URL Length: URLs that are too long can negatively affect the search engine visibility of the page. In fact, many industry studies have shown that short URLs have little effect on Google search results. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

55- URL Path: A page closer to the homepage may rank higher than a page buried deep in the site architecture.

56- Editors: While never verified, Google has patented a system that allows editors to influence the SERP. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

57- Page Category: The category in which the page is displayed is a relevance signal. A more closely related category's page may rank higher than an unrelated category's page.

58- WordPress Tags: Tags are WordPress-specific relevance signals. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

59- Keyword Pass in URL: It is another relevance signal. A Google representative recently called this a "very small ranking signal". But it is still a ranking signal.

60- URL Sequence: Categories in the URL string are read by Google and in some cases can be a thematic signal about the topic the page is about.

61- References and Resources: Citing references and sources can be a quality signal, as can research and dissertation papers. The Google Quality Guide makes sure that there are resources when reviewing certain pages: “This is a topic for an expert or expert resources on the subject…” However, Google has denied that it perceives external links as ranking signals.

62- Bulleted and Numbered Lists: Bulleted and numbered lists break down your content into small chunks and make it easier for your reader to read. Google can highlight numbered and bulleted content. Due to this particular google ranking factors has significant value.

63- Priority of the Page in the Site Map: The priority given in the sitemap XML file of the page can affect its ranking.

64- Too Many Outbound Links: According to Google's quality measurement document:

65- Page Order of Other Keywords: If the page ranks high for many other keywords, this can tell Google about the quality of the page.

66- Page Age: While Google prefers new content, an older page that is regularly updated may perform well over a newer page.

67- User Friendly Design: This is quite important. People should be able to navigate your website easily and find anything they want. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

68- Parked Domain Names: A Google Update in December 2011 reduced the search visibility of parked domains.

69- Useful Content: Google can choose between "quality" and "utility".

70. Content Provides Value and Unique Insights: Google is happy to penalize sites that don't offer any new or useful content, especially weak affiliate sites. stated.

71. Contact Us Page: The Google Quality Guide, which we mentioned earlier, states that it prefers sites with "sufficient contact information". If your contact information matches your whois information, it bodes even better for Google. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

72. Domain Trust / Rank of Trust: Many SEO experts believe that “Trust Ranking” is a very important ranking factor. And Google's new patent, which was recently published with the title "Search results ranking based on trust", supports this situation.

73. Site Architecture: A well-organized site architecture (for example, a silo structure) helps Google thematically organize your content. It also helps Googlebot access and organize all the pages of your site. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

74. Site Updates: Many SEO experts believe that website updates – especially when new content is added to the site – work as a site-wide update-checking factor. However, Google has recently stated that it uses the "frequency of content addition" in its algorithms. has denied.

75. Sitemap Presence: Sitemap search engines will increase your visibility by examining your pages more easily and broadly. It helps.

76. Site Uptime: Issues such as site maintenance or server can damage the site ranking (even if the problem is not resolved, your site's not re-indexing You may encounter such a situation.)

77. Server Location: Server location affects how your site will rank in different geographic regions. It is especially important in regional based searches. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

78. SSL Certificate: Google HTTPSIt has confirmed that it perceives .

79. Terms of Service and Privacy Sheets: These two pages help Google understand whether a site is a trusted member of the internet.

80. On Site Duplicate (Copy) Meta Information: Copy meta information on your site can negatively affect your site's visibility. In fact, Google Search Console warns you if there is too much duplicate information.

81. Navigation Menu: This user-friendly site architecture; helps users (and search engines) know where they are on the site. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

82. Mobile Friendly Pages: With more than half of all searches being made from mobile devices, Google wants to know if your page is mobile-friendly. In fact, Google no longer lists mobile-friendly websites. punishes.

83 Youtube: There is no doubt that Youtube videos are prioritized on search results pages (probably because YouTube is also owned by Google, it prioritizes Youtube in its video search results).

Searchengineland, in an article He stated that Youtube traffic has increased significantly after Google Panda..

84. Site Availability: A site that is difficult to use or navigate; The time spent on the site, the number of pages viewed, and the bounce rate can negatively affect rankings indirectly. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

85. Use of Google Analytics and Google Search Console: Some say that having these two programs installed on your site can improve your page indexing. Google can also directly affect rankings in the sense that it gives more data to work with (for example, a more precise page bounce rate information, whether you're getting traffic from backlinks, etc.). But Google says it's a myth. he said. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

86. User Reviews / Site Popularity: The popularity of websites on pages like plays an important role in the Google algorithm. Google on how to proceed on this issue a sincere summereven shared. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

3. Backlink Criteria

google ranking factors backlink
google ranking factors backlink

87. Linking Domain Age: Backlinks from older domains can be stronger than new ones.

88. Number of Linked Root Domains: The number of referencing domains is one of the most important ranking factors in the Google algorithm, as you can see from the following Google study of 1 million search results:

89. Number of Links From Different C-Class IPs: Links from different C-Class ips offer a wider range of sites linking to your site, which helps you increase your ranking. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

90. Number of Linked Pages: Total number of linked pages – even if they are links from the same domain – an effects on ranking vardır.

91. Backlink Link Text: It's certainly not as important as before the anchor text (and works as a webspam signal when overused). But keyword-rich anchor texts still send strong relevancy signals in small doses. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

92. Alternate Tag (For Image Links): Alt tags are perceived as anchor texts for images.

93. Links From .edu or .gov Domain Names: Matt Cutt has stated that TLD is not a factor in the importance of the site. However, links containing .edu and .gov still have an important place for SEO experts. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

94. Page Order of Linked Page: Page order of the linked page for Google previously was also an important factor, right now is also an important factor.

95. Page Ranking of Linked Domain Name: The page rank of the linked domain determines the value of the link. an independent role can play.

96. Links From Competitors: Pages that are linked from other pages and are on the same search results page may play a more important role in page ranking for that particular word. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

97. Links From “Expected” Websites: Although speculative, some SEO experts do not fully trust your site until Google receives a referral from some “expected” website in your industry.

98. Links From Bad Circles: Links from sites also referred to as “bad circles” will increase your site ranking. can negatively affect.

99. Guest Posts: While links from guest posts still have value, they are not as strong as links from real publishers (also "large scale”, guest posts can even negatively affect your site.). Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

100. Links From Ads: According to Google, links from ads should be nofollow links. It is likely that Google detects and filters followed links. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

101. Homepage Page Ranking: Links that land on the homepage of a particular page play an important role in measuring the value of the site and therefore the link. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

102. Nofollow Links: This is one of the most controversial topics in SEO. Google on the subject in the official statement "Actually, we don't follow them." he said. This shows that Google has done just that. At least in certain situations. Having a certain percentage of nofollow links can also indicate natural or unnatural link profiles.

103. Diversity of Link Types: If an unnaturally large majority of your links come from a single source (for example, forum profiles, blog comments), this may be a sign of webspam. On the other hand, links from different sources point to a natural profile. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

104. “Sponsored Links” or Similar Links: Discourses such as “sponsor”, “partner”, “link partners” or “sponsored links” may reduce the value of the link.

105. Content Links: Links embedded in the content of a page are stronger than a link on a blank page or a link anywhere on the page. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

106. Multiple Links to 301: Having a large number of backlinks to 301 According to the webmaster help video It can lower the ranking of the page.

107. Internal Link Anchor Text: Internal link anchor text is another relevance signal. However, the effect of internal link texts on ranking is quite low compared to the anchor texts of external links. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

108. Link Title Attribute: The link title (the text that appears when you mouse over the link) can be used as a small relevance signal.

109. Country TLD of the Redirected Domain Name: Getting referrals from sites with country-specific domain extensions (.tr, .de, .co, .uk) can enable you to rank higher in that country.

110. Link Location in Content: The links at the beginning of the content are ranked according to the links at the end of the content. they are more important.

Link Location on Page 111: Where the link is on the page is important. Usually, the link embedded in the page content is stronger than the links found elsewhere. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

112. Relevance of Linked Domain Names: A link from a site in a similar niche is more likely than a link from a completely unrelated site. it is strong.

113. Page Relevance: A link from a related page is more valuable.

114. Keyword in Title: Google gives extra importance to the links you pass in your title in the keywords of your page (“Linking experts to experts”).

115. Positive Link Speed: A site with a positive link speed will appear on the search results page as your site's popularity increases. quickly rises to the top.

116. Negative Link Speed: On the other hand, negative link speed also means a decrease in the popularity of the site, which significantly reduces the rankings.

117. Links From “Hub” Pages: Hilltop Algorithm pays special attention to links from the best sources (or “hubs”) on specific topics.

118. Links From Authority Sites: Links from sites known as authority are more effective in ranking than links from smaller or unknown sites.

119. Linking to Wikipedia Source: While links are nofollow, many people think that getting links from Wikipedia makes your site more trustworthy in the eyes of search engines. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

120. Collocations: The words that tend to appear around your backlink help Google understand what your page is about.

121. Backlink Age: According to the article Old links have a greater impact on ranking than new links. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

122. Links From Real Sites and Splogs: With the spread of blog networks, Google gives more importance to links from real sites compared to fake blogs. They also use brand and user interaction signals to tell the difference between them.

123. Natural Link Profile: A site with a “natural” link profile will rank higher and be more resilient to updates than other sites.

124. Reciprocal Links: Google's Link Diagram Page lists too many link-exchanges as a link scheme to avoid. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

125. User Generated Content Links: Google can distinguish between content links created by users and content published by the real owner of the site. For example, he knows that the link published from the official blog and the link published by are very different from each other.

126. Links from 301: Links directed with 301 may lag a little further behind than direct links. However Matt CuttsAccording to . 301 redirect links are quite similar to direct links.

127. Using Pages that support microformats may rank higher than pages that do not support these formats. This can be in the form of a direct increase or it can be with a higher search result page click-through rate.

128. Trust Rank of Linked Page: The credibility of the site linked to your page can determine how high your site's trust rank will rise.

Number of Outbound Links on Page 129: Page rank is a finite number. A page with hundreds of external links will rank lower than a page with outbound links. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

130. Forum Links: Links from Google forums due to industry level spamming may not value.

131. Word Count of Linked Content: A link from a 1000 word post is more valuable than a link with a 25 word snippet.

132. Quality of Linked Content: Links from poorly written content are not as valuable as professionally written blog content.

133. Site-Wide Links: Matt Cutts states that site-wide links count as a single link. confirmed.

4. Interaction

google ranking criteria interaction
google ranking criteria interaction

134. RankBrain: “RankBrain” is the name given to Google's artificial intelligence algorithm. Many think its main purpose is to measure users' engagement with search results (and rank by results).

135. Organic CTR for a Keyword: Pages with a better clickthrough rate according to Google may rank significantly higher for related keywords than others. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

136. Organic CTR for All Keywords: For all keywords that a site ranks for, the organic clickthrough rate can be a person-based user interaction signal. (In other words, “for organic results”Quality Score")

137. Bounce Rate: Not everyone in SEO agrees that bounce rate is important, but this may be Google's way of using its users as "Quality Testers" (after all, a page with a high bounce rate may not be that relevant for the relevant keyword) . Moreover, A recent study by SEMRUSH He found a correlation between Google rankings and bounce rate.

138. Direct Traffic: To calculate how many people visit the sites and how often Google uses Google Chrome confirmed. It can be said that sites with high direct traffic are of higher quality than sites with low direct traffic. In fact, we quoted above SEMRUSH study found a significant correlation between direct traffic and Google rankings.

139. Repetitive Traffic: Sites that the same visitors visit more than once may increase their Google ranking.

140. Pogosticking: “Pogosticking” is a special type of bounce. In this case, the user clicks on other search results to find the answer to the query he is looking for. The rankings of pages that users pogostick may drop noticeably. At this point, CTR-increasing factors are important in the result pages.

141. Blocky Sites: Google has discontinued this feature in Chrome. But Panda uses this feature as a quality signal. So Google may still be using a variation of it.

142. Chrome Bookmarks: Google's Chrome browser user data We know you collect. Pages that are bookmarked in Chrome may rank higher.

143. Number of Comments: Pages with lots of comments can be a signal of user engagement and quality. Actually An expert from Google He said that the comments would be very helpful in ranking.

144. Waiting Time: Google places great emphasis on waiting time. We can also define it as the time that someone from Google searches stays on your page. This is sometimes referred to as "long clicks and short clicks". In summary; Google can measure how long the users who come to your page with Google searches spend on your page. The longer the time spent, the better this is for your site. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

5. Google Algorithm Rules

145. Search Queries Deserve Innovation: Google newer pages for specific calls allows it to rank higher.

146. Search Queries Deserve Differentiation: Google may add a distinctive word in search results pages to confusing words such as "Ted", "WWF", "ruby".

147. User Browsing History: You may have noticed this too; The websites you visit frequently appear prominently on the search results page.

148. User Search History: search chain affects search results for subsequent searches. For example, if you search for “review” and then “toaster”, Google will show sites related to “toaster review” higher in search results. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

149. Featured Snippets: According to a SEMRUSH study, Google featured snippet content; determines content length based on format, page ownership, and usage of HTTPs.

150. Geo-Targeting: Google prefers sites with local server IP and country specific domain extension.

151. SafeSearch: Content containing adult content or abusive words is not listed in the search results in “SafeSearch” mode.

152. Google+ Circles: Although Google+ is a dead platform, Google; It can rank sites or authors you've added to Google+ circles higher than others.

153. “Your Money or Your Life” Keywords: For Google's "Your Money or Your Life" keywords higher content quality standards vardır.

154. DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Complaints: Google DMCA complaints that comply with legal requirements It lowers the rankings of the pages.

155. Domain Name Difference: "Bigfoot UpdateAlso referred to as ”, the update added more domains to each search results page.

156. Trading Calls: Google sometimes shows different results for shopping keywords like flight searches.

157. Local Calls: For local searches, Google often displays local results above "normal" organic search results.

158. Top Stories Box: Certain keywords trigger this box.

159. Big Brand Preference: "Vince UpdateAfter “Google shows the big brands high in the rankings for certain words.

160. Shopping Ads Results: Google sometimes displays Google Shopping ad results on organic search results pages.

161. Visual Results: Google images are sometimes shown among normal organic search results.

162. Easter Egg Results: Google's manyEaster Egg Results" has. For example, when you search for "Atari Breakout" in Google images, the results turn into a playable game(!). For this Victor PanYou can review the account of . Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

163. Results from One Site for Brands: Keywords with domain name or brand content lots of search results from the same site cause them to appear.

164. Payday Loans Update: This "spammy search queries” is a special algorithm designed to clean.

5. Brand Signals

google first page branding
google first page branding

165. Anchor Text with Brand Name: Anchor texts with the brand name are a simple yet powerful brand signal.

166. Branded Searches: Users search for brands. If users are searching for your brand on Google, it shows Google that your brand is a real brand. Because of this, it has an important value among google ranking factors.

167. Brand + Keyword Searches: Are users searching for a specific keyword along with your brand? If so, Google will show your brand's website at the top of the searches in the generic variations of these searches.

168. Site with Facebook Page and Likes: Brands are likely to have Facebook pages with lots of likes.

169. Site with Twitter Profile with Followers: Twitter profiles with many followers indicate that the relevant Twitter profile is a popular brand.

170. Official Linkedin Company Page: Many real businesses have corporate LinkedIn accounts.

171. Verified Profiles: In February 2013, Google CEO Eric Schmidt stated:

172. Legality of Social Media Accounts: A social media account with 10.000 followers and 2 posts is again quite weak compared to a social media account with 10.000 followers and many interactions. Google has a problem deciding whether social media accounts are fake or real. license has.

173. Displaying the Brand in News Boxes: Very big brands are always shown in the news section. Some even appear to have a page from their website on the first page.

174. Unlinked Brand Mentions: Brands are sometimes mentioned without being linked. Google unlinked brand mentions sees it as a brand signal.

175. Offline Shops: Real businesses have offices. Google also looks at location data to see if a site is a big brand.

6. On-Site Webspam Factors

ten sites webspam google criteria
ten sites webspam google criteria

176. Panda Punishment: Sites with low-quality content (especially content farmsFrom panda punishment then they became less visible.

177. Links to Bad Sites: Links to spammy content can harm your site's search visibility.

178. Redirects: Making hidden redirects it is forbidden. If caught, the site will not only be penalized, but also removed from Google's indexing.

179. Pop-ups or Distracting Ads: Resmi Google Measurement Document indicates that pop-ups and distracting ads are a sign that the site is of low quality.

180. Toggle Pop-ups: Google may penalize sites that display full-page toggle popups on mobile devices.

181. Over-Optimizing the Site: Google may penalize users for over-optimized sites. This includes titles like keyword stuffing, top tag stuffing, lots of keyword decorations.

182. Nonsense Content: A Google patent describes how Google can distinguish nonsense content, which prevents indexing of auto-generated content.

183. Doorway Pages: Google wants the page you show to be the page that users want to see directly. If your page redirects people to another page, it is a "Doorway page". Google doesn't like sites that use Doorway pages.

184. Ads Appearing When You First Open the Page: "Page Design Algorithm” penalizes pages with too many ads, but not too much content.

185. Hiding Affiliate Links: If you go too far while hiding affiliate links (especially if hiding methods are used) this may result in your site being penalized.

186. Fred: Google updates that began in 2017 have been given a nickname. Search Engine LandAccording to an article in Fred “targets sites with low-quality content that put monetization before being useful to their users.”

187. Affiliate Sites: Google's not a fan of affiliate sites It's obvious, and many people think that sites that use affiliate programs are subject to extra scrutiny.

188. Auto-Generated Content: Google, as can be understood from auto-generated content hates it. If Google notices that your site contains computer-generated content, your site may be penalized or your site may be de-indexed by Google.

189. Overshaping Factors Related to PageRank: Page rank shaping factors include nofollowing all links, such situations can be a sign that you are playing games with the system.

190. Marking IP Address as Spam: If your IP address is marked as spam, it will delete all your sites on that server. can affect.

191. Meta Tag Spamming: Keyword stuffing can also happen in meta tags, if Google thinks you're adding keywords to your title and description tags to trick the algorithm, they can penalize your site.

7. Off-Site Webspam Factors

192. Unnatural Link Streams: Sudden (and unnatural) link flows are a sure sign of fake links.

193. Penguin Punishment: Google Penguin Sites penalized by are noticeably less visible in search results. penguin right now filtering out bad links Or should he punish the entire website?

194. Link Profile with a High Percentage of Low-Quality Links: Many links (like blog comments and forum profiles) used mostly by black hat SEOs can be a sign of trying to trick the system.

195. Eligibility of Linked Domain Name: According to the famous analysis of, too many links from irrelevant sites are more suspicious for Penguin.

196. Unnatural Link Warnings: Google thousands of “Google Search Console has found unnatural links.” sends an alert. This often, but not always, leads to a drop in ranking.

197. Low Quality Directory Links: according to google Backlinks from low-quality directories can result in penalties.

198. Widget Links: Links that are automatically generated when Google adds a widget to the site. is against.

199. Links From Same Class-C IP: Unnaturally large number of inbound links from the same server IP from the blog network It can help him decide when to come.

200. “Toxic” Anchor Texts: Having “poisonous” anchor texts (especially pharmaceutical words) can indicate that your site has been spammed or hacked. Either way, this can negatively affect your site's ranking.

201. Unnatural Link Count: A Google Patent published in 2013 explains how Google can distinguish whether a link flow to a site is legitimate or not. Unnatural links are devalued.

202. Articles and Press Links: Article and Press Links: Article and press links have been used maliciously by many sites so many times that Google now perceives the strategy of creating these two links as "fake link structure" in many cases.

203. Manual Actions: of them there are many but the majority is about black hat link building.

204. Sales Links: Capturing sales links on your site can negatively affect your search visibility.

205. Google Sandbox: New sites that get a sudden influx of links sometimes Google sandbox, which temporarily limits their search results visibility.

206. Google Dance: Google Dance may temporarily change the rankings. According to a Google Patent, this is a way for Google to tell if sites are trying to trick the algorithm.

207. Disavow Tool: This vehicle Its use can remove a manual or algorithmic penalty for sites that fall victim to negative SEO.

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208. Request for Reassessment: A successful reconsideration request can avoid a penalty.

209. Temporary Link Schemes: Google catches spammy links that are generated and removed very quickly. This is also temporary link scheme also known as


google ranking factors
google ranking factors

To summarize, the most important Google ranking criteria are:

  • Reference Domains
  • Organic Clickthrough Rate
  • Domain Authority
  • Mobile Usability
  • Time on Page
  • Total Number of Backlinks
  • Content Quality
  • On page SEO
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