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How to get out of the black list, how to fix the credit record?

If you are thinking about how to get out of the black list, how to increase my credit score, we have some tips for you. In this article, we will provide information about what the black list is, how to enter and exit the black list. We will also share some small tips on how to improve your credit rating and how to get a loan.

What is the Black List, Why Do We Enter the List?

The credit cards we use or the credits we draw must be paid in full amounts regularly and on the date determined as the Credit, Credit Card deadline. If we delay the last payment date of these payments or do not pay at all, our credit record may be damaged and our credit rating may decrease.

If we do not make a payment within 90 days, the legal follow-up process starts about us and even if we pay after 90 days, this problem we make in payments affects our credit registry.

From our point of view, it is reflected as a negative score on our credit score required for credit and loan use. In order to get off the black list, it is necessary to pay the debts regularly. Even if an installment is paid one day after the due date, that debt is recorded in the system as an unpaid debt on time and negatively affects your credit rating. The effect of this can continue for years. Now let's talk about the ways to get out of the black list in more detail.

How to Blacklist Exit?

In case you pay your debt and after the 'no debt' paper is received, it appears that the debt on the black list has been paid in the banks, but it continues to appear that you followed the previous one and entered the black list. So how long will our track record look like this? Even if your registry is cleared, the data from 5 years ago can be seen by banks, and banks may approach the use of new loans and credit cards with prejudice, and in this case, your applications may be negative.

One of the most important here is actually the number of days of delay and the amount of debt. The numerical size of the day and the amount of the debt is evaluated by the banks, taking into account separately. Depending on the amount of the debt and the number of days of delay, your name on the Blacklist is removed 1 year after the debt is paid.

How to Get Credits After Blacklisting?

If there is a bank where you are a salary customer, turning to this bank will speed up the chances of using the product. Knowing that there is at least a regular salary puts the bank at ease.

Before requesting a loan or credit card from the bank, we can also try tools such as creating a deposit account and giving automatic payment orders to strengthen relationships.

It may also be beneficial to establish good relations with the branch you have created an account with and to express yourself well.

If we manage to get a credit card, we should choose a low limit and pay regularly. Regular payments will help increase our credit score and help us get to know the bank well.

Citizens whose names are on the black list of banks are waiting for the Credit Registry Amnesty process. People researching how to get out of the black list if the Credit Registry Amnesty does not come, are researching what can be done to get a loan again due to the economic problems experienced during the coronavirus period. According to the information found in some news sites or sources, there are many ways to get out of the blacklist. How to get out of the black list, can a credit card be given while on the black list?

Citizens who will continue their lives with the loan they will only make the last payment by taking a restructuring loan in order to close their loan debts are eagerly waiting for the Credit Registry Amnesty Law to be enacted. These individuals, who were blacklisted because of the banks, by showing their bad records and whose names are mentioned with a red pen, are looking for ways to get rid of all their loan debts and to get out of the black list. In this case, how can one get out of the black list of banks? How can a person with a broken record clear their record?

From the Black List of Banks What are the Ways to Exit?

As a primary situation, it should be noted that individuals whose names are on the black list in banks can be removed from the black list by obtaining a restructuring loan from the bank they owe, after the Credit Registry Amnesty Law was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force.

News and information about the Credit Registry Amnesty Law are given below. Citizens who are investigating the ways to get out of the black list usually try to get support from the virtual media. It should be noted that people who say that they will remove them from the black list by making statements on the internet and in many places saying "money, emergency loan is issued, support to get out of the black list quickly" will not be able to support.

Some news sites have three suggestions as ways to get out of the blacklist suggested by experts. It is useful to reiterate that this information is only a suggestion, otherwise most situations on the subject would not be clear.

According to what experts say, ways to clear the record in the bank; It has been said as taking a loan from the bank that broke your record, requesting financial aid to state institutions and applying to banks that give loans at low fees.

Is a Credit Card Given to a Person with a Bad Registry?

Individuals added to the black list organized by banks have very low scores in the Credit Records Bureau scoring center. It is obviously difficult for an individual who has been blacklisted by banks to obtain a credit card.

But a few banks can act a little more flexible than others in this situation. These banks carry out campaigns and provide credit / credit card services to individuals with low credit ratings. We recommend that banks examine the credit card service portfolio for those who are investigating whether to issue a credit card to an individual whose record appears to be corrupt.

With these campaigns, banks can give low amounts of credit cards to blacklisted individuals. If an individual who buys a credit card and whose name is on the black list makes his payments regularly, the situation of being removed from the black list may increase. Regular payments are reflected positively on the credit score.

Clearing the Credit Registry

You can get rid of your debts by examining the suitable configuration options of banks. Debt transfer and refinancing loans, which are bank products, are also methods you can use before these processes.

Since it will be difficult for you to get a loan with the deterioration of your credit record, it is necessary to use the 90-day time and sometimes the process with bank lawyers for 90 days beyond. As stated above; Consider your debt in installments and pay the debt that will be paid first and remove yourself from the delay situation.

Let's say the first installment is 60 days late and the other installment is 30 days late. Both the 60-day and 30-day delay cause your credit rating to drop, but since it is closer to 60 days, which is 90 days, it poses a dangerous situation for your registry. 

Keep thinking in installments rather than the whole of your debt and get rid of legal obligations by paying your debts.

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