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What are Featured Snippets? How is it done?

Featured snippets, Turkish meaning of phrases featured snippet It is in the form. It is an excellent Google feature that professional bloggers want to acquire.

Featured snippets Google offered by a snippet is a feature. The word snippet means a particle in meaning. It is a programming term for a small region of text.

Many bloggers, including myself, can be at the top of the rankings thanks to the featured snippets feature offered by Google.

Look, this feature is really important that cannot be underestimated. Imagine that you have been working for months for your article to rank high on Google.

But someone comes and settles in the zeroth point with featured snippets. Even if you are in the 1st place, your opponent will always be above you.

Because it gained featured snippets feature.

What are Featured Snippets?

Featured Snippets, as you can see below, are the zeroth dot that comes up when you do a Google search.

featured snippets example
featured snippets example

More visitors will visit your blog with featured snippets. All in all this app is very useful and very profitable when you consider the money and time it will take to reach the 1st rank.

How To?

There is no definite finding announced by Google to gain Featured Snippets feature.

In other words, I cannot say that you must do this in order to gain this feature for sure. But there is a fact that is known to everyone.

It rewards good and user-oriented content with Google featured snippets. In order to gain featured snippets feature, we can take tips from the researches of seo tools such as Semrush.

There are 3 different types of Featured Snippets: paragraph, list and table snippets.

Here's how these snippets appear in search results:

1. Paragraph

To earn featured snippet in this option, you usually 40-60 words paragraphs are preferred. H The paragraph between 40-60 words under the question with the tags can win the feature of getting a prominent snippet from Google.

Research and findings show a trend in this direction.

2. List

list featured snippet example
list featured snippet example

In this way, to earn a snippet in your content H2 or a H3 You need to prepare lists that are used with the tag. Clearer results can be obtained if these lists are located at the top of the article, not at the bottom.

3. Table

In order to earn a table snippet like the picture above, your site must support table codes. If you add a table correctly, Google can give you featured snippets accordingly.

To earn featured snippets, you need to pay attention to the points I mentioned above. I just want to give one detail. Most of the sites that win the snippet are on page 1.

In other words, if your site is on page 5 for a keyword, it is difficult to gain a featured snippet feature. This information has been revealed as a result of research done by Semrush and other seo tools.

Questions Win Featured Snippets Higher

Content created with questions is more likely to earn snippets. SEO As a result of the research done by Semrush, one of the tools How is it done? Blog posts with questions in the form of a snippet feature have a high rate of winning.

featured snippets semrush report
featured snippets semrush report

Try to Keep Lists Long for Snippets

In order to gain the snippets feature, it is useful to keep the lists long. These are not conclusive findings. As a result of the examinations and analyzes, sites that pay attention to such issues are more likely to gain snippets feature.

Even if you need to keep your lists short, sprinkle them with the best user-oriented information. Google will certainly reward such content.

Most Accurate Sizes for Image Snippets

Most common aspect ratio for featured snippet images 4:3 is said to be. Media image size in pixels 600w x 425h detected as.

It is useful to consider the dimensions above to gain the image snippet feature.

Quality content alone is not enough to gain featured snippets. Your site needs to be mobile-friendly, open fast, and present the right information in the best possible way.

1. Give the most correct answer

  • Set paragraph length to 42 words
  • Use list contents
  • use correct titles

2. Use reliable sources

  • Strong external links
  • Strong social engagement

3. Offer comprehensive content

  • At least 2.100 words

4. give confidence

  • Be sure to use HTTPS

5. Provide excellent user experience

  • Mobile-friendly high scores
  • High mobile usability scores
  • A fast loading site

As a result, you need to pay attention to the above factors to earn snippets. It is also very important that your theme has schema support. WordPress users should definitely check whether their themes have schema support.

Snippets are very useful for your site. It is only good to remember this. It is necessary to do SEO work and be on the 1st or 2nd page. In any case, your site must meet the SEO requirements.

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