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What are the ads on Instagram based on?

It is a very curious subject, according to which criteria the ads on Instagram are displayed. As an advertiser, I will give some tips on how and to whom the ads on Instagram are shown, and under what conditions. Let's get started, let's see what the ads on Instagram are.

First of all, I must point out that ads on Instagram appear according to the user's profile, activities and search history.

It is also shown to users who match the advertiser's target audience. But it's not limited to this. I discovered much more than these and understood what data the Instagram application processes on the phone and how it serves you ads.

ads on instagram

Ads on Instagram are ads and advertisements that are used to market brands and products and appear on the pages that Instagram users follow.

These advertisements are used to promote brands' products and services, increase sales and reach the target audience. Instagram ads are presented with visuals consisting of photos and videos, interactive features, and customizable metrics for the target audience.

Instagram shows advertisers' ads to deliver their products and services to the target audience. In this way, it is aimed for more people to be informed about the advertisers' products and services and to make purchasing decisions.

It is also possible to target ads based on the interests of Instagram users. In this way, advertisements can be more effective.

So how are Instagram ads displayed? Now I will write down some of the points that I have identified.

What are the ads on Instagram based on?

Instagram ads are published in a format that can be seen by users with similar interests as well as the accounts a user follows. The Instagram Ad Management Tool is one of the tools that enable these ads to be published.

By creating an ad account, the Instagram Ad Management Tool can determine the target audience of the ads, and if you are in the target audience determined in this way, this ad will most likely be shown to you.

For example, if a company that advertises on Instagram has chosen the city of ISTANBUL as the target audience for that ad, and you live in ISTANBUL, you will most likely see that ad.

Instagram ads have many options to set the target audience. For example, the target audience can be determined according to criteria such as age, gender, location, language and interests. This means that Instagram can access your age, gender, profession, interests and much more.

The target audience options of Instagram ads ensure that your ad reaches the right people and increases your performance. Therefore, if you are in the target audience, you will see advertisements.

How to advertise on Instagram?

Instagram is a platform where you can get efficient feedback. Therefore, you can advertise your product or service on Instagram and reach your target audience.

To advertise on Instagram, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your Instagram account.
  2. Tap on the profile photo and select Settings.
  3. Select Manage Ads from the Settings page.
  4. Specify the type of ad (custom targeting, interactive, corporate ad, etc.) and your target audience on the ad creation page.
  5. Select the ad view and the platform on which the ad will be displayed (Instagram, Facebook, Audience Network, etc.).
  6. Include your ad's title, description, and image.
  7. Set the ad budget and duration and create your ad.
  8. Check Insights to check your ad's performance.

Benefits of advertising on Instagram

If you are reading this article as a business owner, there is useful information for you as well. The benefits of advertising on Instagram can be listed as follows. In fact, the benefits of advertising not only on Instagram but also in other media such as google, facebook, twitter can be counted in this way.

The benefits of advertising are as follows:

  1. It provides the opportunity to find new customers and increases the awareness of existing customers.
  2. It increases the brand value and recognition of your business.
  3. It provides information about your products and services and thus attracts the attention of potential customers.
  4. It increases your market share and competitive advantage with your competitors.
  5. It increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, and enables your business to reach your target audience.
  6. It enables your business to stand out and differentiate it from your competitors.
  7. It creates a positive image about your company's products and services.
  8. It offers the opportunity to organize campaigns to meet the expectations and needs of the target audience of your business. This increases your company's sales and profits.
  9. Thanks to the increased awareness of your company, it gains superiority in the market and also provides the opportunity to access more information about your company's products and services.
  10. Your business attracts the attention of your target audience and creates interest, thus enabling your business to reach your target audience and thus increasing your sales.
  11. It supports the marketing strategy of your business and thus enables it to reach your target audience, positively affects your image and thus increases your brand value.

If you need help and support about Instagram ads, you can contact me under the topic.

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