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Benefits of Reading Books (100 Pages a Day)

What are the benefits of reading books? Knowing the benefits of reading books for the brain, it is extremely essential to improve yourself in this field.

From a young age, your teacher or family has told you that you should read books. Reading books helps your brain relax, improve your vocabulary, generate ideas and have a fluent conversation.

Reading 100 pages a day It may be the best step you can take to improve yourself.

When we look at the statistics, it is seen that societies that read books are far ahead in education and culture compared to those with low reading rates.

Most problems such as fights, theft and disagreements are rarely encountered in societies that have made reading books a habit.

By reading books, your knowledge will increase, your vocabulary will improve, and therefore you will be able to express yourself better. Individuals with improved communication can easily achieve success in both their social and business lives.

Below I have created a list of the benefits of reading books. I strongly recommend that you review this list. I also included a few sentences on the harms of reading too many books. Don't get this wrong, excess of everything is harmful.

What are the Benefits of Reading Books?

1. Improves Practical Thinking

practical thinking benefits of reading books
practical thinking benefits of reading books

It's always the right move to approach things from a practical standpoint. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly train the brain. Among the exercises you will do for your mind, reading a book can be a good choice. One of the solutions to think quickly about a subject and make a quick comment would be to read a book. Among the benefits of reading books, the development of practical thinking is very important for development.

2. Your General Culture Increases

Reading a book always gives you something new. For example, books in the field of personal development help you to hold on to life better. No matter what kind of book you read, it will definitely make you aware of something you don't know. Increasing your general culture is a social factor among the benefits of reading books.

3. Reading Books Makes You Intelligent


Reading makes you smart. This situation, which is among the benefits of reading books, which has been scientifically proven, has been proven by experiments. In individuals who read regularly, their brains allow new neurons to form, which makes them smarter.

4. Reading Books Makes You Specialize

Reading a lot of books in your field of education will allow you to specialize in that field. For this reason, being an expert in your preferred field also helps you earn more money in business life. One of the benefits of reading books is specialization, especially for those who want to rise to the top in a single subject.

5. It's the Medicine for Loneliness


Have you ever thought of reading as medicine? Yes, books will be your favorite medicine when you are lonely. In addition, if you are struggling with the flu and cannot get out of bed, you can sleep in that bed with a book and never get bored. That's why reading books is an effective medicine.

6. You Express Yourself Better

Your knowledge will increase, your vocabulary will improve, so you will express yourself better. Individuals with improved communication can easily achieve success both in their social and business lives. The benefits of reading books include expressing yourself, but in a level way.

7. Your Reading Habit Is Contagious!


One of the biggest responsibilities of parents is to give their children the habit of reading books. Parents who read become a good example for children, and reading becomes a regular habit in children.

8. The Foundation of Quality Sleep

Reading a book, which is one of the methods recommended by scientists for people who cannot fall asleep, is a scientifically proven technique. A few pages or passages to be read before sleep will cause you to relax.

9. It is a reason to love life

love life
love life

The stress of daily life often disconnects us from life and causes us to lead a cumbersome life. Especially the books in the genre of literature offer you a different world with their fictions. The hopes of people who read books always remain fresh.

10. It Is The Solution To Memory Problems

Perhaps it should be at the top of the benefits of reading books. The most effective solution to memory problems that occur especially with aging is to keep mental activities alive by reading books. people reading books Alzheimer risk of diseases such as %50 rates are falling. The best exercise for the mind is therefore reading books. Why is reading important? This may be the best answer to your question.

11. Your Vocabulary Develops


One of the best benefits of reading books is that it improves your vocabulary. Learning the words that are frequently used in the books but that we do not use in our daily speech is a very successful method in influencing the person in front of us. This will help you become a more cultured and self-confident person.

12. Reading is a Way to Cope with Stress

One of the benefits of scientifically proven reading is being able to cope with stress. It is known that after a busy and tiring day, a 30-page reading before going to sleep in the evening relaxes you spiritually.

13. Promotes Better Speech

Nice talking
Nice talking

Anyone who reads a book regularly means that they are learning the correct spelling of words. If he reads the book carefully and assimilatingly, every word he learns will take its place in his memory. Thus, he can speak with a much smoother and more magnificent diction. Someone who reads too many books; You can immediately distinguish the words he chooses, the style he uses and the fluency in his expression.

14. Boosts Confidence

This article, in which we list the benefits of reading books, is actually parallel to the increase in general culture. If a person does not know about the situation in question, he does not comment. Avoids talking and getting into arguments. Because he does not have enough information, he thinks that he cannot rule out the other party.

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However, a person who reads books all the time, has a little knowledge of every subject. This gives him self-confidence. He sees in himself the potential to enter into any argument and convince the other party of what he knows.

15. Improves Your Vision


For example, let's take two siblings who live in the countryside and don't have many activities around them. One reads constantly, the other spends his days idly. The brother who reads a lot means that he has learned many things about life. Of course, living, traveling and seeing are the most ideal forms of learning. But someone who does not have the means can do this with his books. In this way, his vision develops, he looks at the future with more hope, he definitely has goals and plans in his mind. In short, reading books promises you new lives.

16. Increases Concentration Power

Of course, someone who reads books all the time does not expect the environment to be quiet and calm. Because now people are racing against time. Student, employee, housewife, it doesn't matter, everyone is in a busy schedule. As such, a person who likes to read books tries to read in any environment he finds. Someone trying to read on the bus, subway and ferry tries to isolate himself from external sounds and understand what he is reading. This is a serious problem for that person. ability to concentrate and focus it pays off. This ability will return positively to you in other parts of your life.

17. Key to Success


One of the most important benefits of reading a book is that it brings success. Because a person who reads books regularly has a strong ability to perceive and understand. This situation returns as success in both business life and school. A person who reads a lot understands what he reads very quickly or can immediately grasp what is being told to him. Therefore, we can easily define it as the key to success for the habit of reading books.

18. Facilitates Decision Making

If a person does not know enough about any subject or has never seen their precedents before, of course, he will be surprised when he hears it for the first time. He cannot speculate, comment, or abstain. This is the case when making any choice, even when looking for an answer in the face of a question. Reading a book gives people the habit of making quick and easy decisions. A person who reads a lot is swimming more comfortably in the sea of ​​words. He has read many events, stories, fictions so far. Therefore, they can think more easily and make decisions more easily.

Of course, we can extend this list of the most important and most effective benefits of reading books. To sum up, reading books regularly; It relaxes the mind, reduces stress, expands vocabulary, enables success, decision making, speaking well and thinking well. Reading books makes you love life and makes you understand people better. Well, let's take a look at the numerical values ​​of the habit of reading books, which have benefits that we cannot finish counting.

According to 2016 data; Turkey in the habit of reading books86th in the world is located. Another sad fact is: We are in the 180th place among 140 countries in the ranking of gifting books to children. Turkish people reading a book only 1 minute a day and reading is in the 235th place on the needs list.

19. Your Creativity and Imagination Develops


A person who reads a book all the time means that he is constantly traveling and seeing. Especially when you read a gripping fantasy or science fiction novel, you feel like you are traveling to a completely different place. This allows you to increase your thinking power, imagination and creativity, although there are no such places in reality.

What are the Harms of Reading Books?

  • It can cause posture disorders: Reading books can cause posture disorders and spinal curvatures in people who cannot take a suitable position during reading.
  • May cause vision loss: Everything that is not done in its consistency can cause various problems for human health. Some parents pressure their children to read, but prolonged reading can be harmful to the eyes.
  • It can contradict people who do not act on what they read: In the Qur'an, the term "donkey loaded with books" is used for people who do not act on what they read. The main thing is that people act on what they read and learn. If people do not act on what they have learned, it is inevitable that they will experience conflicts among themselves.

How to Gain the Habit of Reading Books?

  • Prefer to Start with Thin Books
  • Choose Books According to Your Interests
  • Prepare a Reading List
  • Determine Your Reading Space, Decide How Many Pages You Will Read A Day
  • Don't Read to Read, Switch to a New Book If Needed
  • Do not succumb to excuses
  • And Most Importantly: Don't Give Up!

Benefits of Reading Books: Conclusion

While the benefits of reading books are so many, isn't it sad that our reading habits create such a pessimistic picture? How many hours a day do you spend reading books? Please share the benefits of reading with us and those around you. In this way, let's all benefit from the features that reading adds to the human being.

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