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Spotify fee per stream

How much does Spotify cost per stream? How much money can I earn for each stream from Spotify? In this article, I share information about how much money you can earn per stream on spotify. The number of spotify publisher friends who follow my blog is quite high. I will make an assessment within the framework of the questions received from them.

What is Spotify?

First of all, I would like to give information about what the spotify portal is for those who do not know or have just heard.

Spotify is a digital music, podcast and video service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from creators worldwide.

Basic functions such as music playback are completely free, but you can choose to upgrade to Spotify Premium if you wish.

How to make money from Spotify?

First of all, let me state that in order to earn money on spotify, you need to upload a piece of music or a song to spotify. In other words, only the owners of the works can earn money on spotify.

Actually, you don't need to be a professional music publisher to earn money from spotify. You can even earn money by uploading a remix music that is licensed by you, that is created by you, to spotify and listening to this music.

Nowadays, there are remixing programs for both phones and computers. You can prepare remix music with such programs. You can even compose your own song with a good microphone if you trust your voice.

By uploading the tracks you created in this way to Spotify, you can earn money per rest as the music you prepare is listened to.

How much does Spotify cost per stream?

If you are wondering how much money I can earn per listen from the music I upload to Spotify, let's explain it as follows. Many factors such as the style of the music you make, the interaction of the listener, the advertisements presented to the listeners, whether the listeners buy a premium membership affect the price to be paid per listen.

In general, spotify publishers have made a calculation on this issue and the overall average is around $0,004. Therefore, as a spotify publisher, you can make a rough calculation in this way and calculate how much money you can earn from your music.

Spotify pay-per-play calculation

Spotify fee-per-play account Example 1: In this example, let's assume that the song you uploaded to spotify as a spotify publisher has been listened to 100 times. In that case, our spotify fee-per-play calculation will be as follows.

1 rest = 0,004 usd

10 rest = 0,04 usd

100 rest = 0,4 usd

Spotify fee-per-play account Example 2: In this example, let's assume that the music you uploaded to spofity is listened to 1.000 (thousand) times. Then the calculation of the money you will earn will be as follows.

1 rest = 0,004 usd

10 rest = 0,04 usd

100 rest = 0,4 usd

1.000 rest = 4 usd

Spotify fee-per-play account Example 3: If the music you make is listened to 10.000 (ten thousand) times on Spotify, this time your monetization account will be as follows.

1 rest = 0,004 usd

10 rest = 0,04 usd

100 rest = 0,4 usd

1.000 rest = 4 usd

10.000 rest = 40 usd

This is how Spotify can calculate the cost per listen. You can calculate your spotify earnings according to the above account, how many times your music has been listened to.

Things to consider for Spotify earnings calculation

The calculation examples above are the net money you will receive. That is, after deducting the spotify commission deduction and the fees required to publish the music, it is the money you have left.

It can be understood from here that spotify makes deductions from music publishers in different items such as publisher fee and commission fee.

Therefore, those who want to make money on Spotify have to know these cuts. The commission deduction is around 10 percent. The remainder is paid to the publisher.

In addition, in order to be included in the calculation, a music must be listened for at least 30-40 seconds and listened online.

How can I earn money on Spotify?

At the beginning of our article, we mentioned how you can make money on spotify. If you open a publisher account by paying a certain fee and upload the music you have made, that is, you can access statistical information such as how much your music is liked and how much is listened to.

If you make really popular music, you can earn money on spotify. However, if you are making amateur-style music, it would make more sense to first promote your music in free channels and then present it to users with paid memberships.

In addition to these, it is possible to earn additional income on spotify by collecting donations from your followers or promoting some products.

The amount of earnings on the Spotify site may vary from person to person. Spotify uses various methods to earn money for its users, but generally earns from the music they listen to, through advertising revenue and subscription fees. Therefore, how much money you can earn can vary based on factors such as how often you listen and how many subscribers you have.

Stay well.

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