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Earn money by testing games

Is it possible to earn money by testing games? Who can be a game tester? In this article, I will try to answer these questions.

The main topics that I will cover in this article will be as follows:

Is it possible to earn money by testing games?

Who can be a game tester?

Who can earn money by testing games?

How can I earn money by trying games?

If you're ready, I'm starting.

Introduction: Earning money by testing games

Making money by testing games means that game developers make requests to other players to test their new games. Game testers earn money by doing the task of finding and reporting in-game bugs or problems, whether games are working properly or not.

Game testers can test many different types of games. For example, they can test strategy games, puzzle games, action games, role-playing games or multiplayer games. Game testers can also test mobile games, PC games or games for consoles.

To test a game, you must download and install the game. Then you have to open the game and learn the rules and how to play. While playing the game, you should note the points you need to pay attention to and continue to play the game to detect errors and problems. If yes, you can change some settings of the game to provide a better experience. After playing the game, you can help improve the game by giving feedback to the developers.

Game testers can use different methods to test games. For example, by playing the game, they can examine how the game works, they can find and report bugs or problems that may be found in the game, or they can examine how the game works by testing the game's performance.

Game testers, referred to as game testers, can test games of different genres and on different platforms to test games. Which games will be tested may vary depending on the needs of the game developer companies.

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In order for a game to be tested, it is necessary to experience the game by playing it first. Then, all the features, functions and screens in the game should be carefully examined, and any errors or problems should be reported carefully. In addition, the game's ease of use, visual design and level of fun should be evaluated and the report should be prepared in an accurate and detailed way.

These tests are usually held under a program organized by a game company, and users who participate in this program can earn money after completing their tests.

How to become a game tester?

You can follow the steps below to become a game tester:

  1. Identify what you want to be a game tester: Being a game tester entails testing games and finding and reporting bugs and problems. Make sure you want to do this job.
  2. Love to play: Being a game tester requires playing games. Being someone who likes to play games is important for you to be a game tester.
  3. Search the game tester job: Search the internet to learn more about the game tester job. For example, you can browse the job postings of game developer companies and learn about hiring as a game tester.
  4. Apply to game developer companies: Once you have determined that you want to be a game tester, you can apply to game developer companies. When making your applications, state that you love to play games and that you are willing to be a game tester.
  5. Prepare to become a game tester: If one of the game developer companies offers you a job, prepare to become a game tester. Get the necessary training to become a game tester and start working as a game tester.

You can follow these steps to become a game tester.

Game testing phases

Gaming testing entails finding and reporting whether games are working properly and any bugs or problems that may be found within the game. The game test can be done by following the steps below:

  1. Download and install the game: To test the game, download and install the game. After installing the game, play the game and examine how the game works.
  2. Play the game carefully: When playing the game test, play the game carefully. As you go through the game, research how the game works and any bugs or problems that may be found in the game.
  3. Find and report bugs and problems: Find and report bugs or problems that may be found in-game while testing the game. For example, if you notice that the game is not working properly or there is a bug in the game, report this information.
  4. Report results: After playtesting, report the results. In your reports, state how the game works, the bugs and problems found in the game and how you can solve these bugs and problems.

How are games tested?

Games are usually tested through a series of steps. Some of these are:

First, automated tests are written that test the functionality of the game. These tests check that some of the game's core functions are working properly. For example, it tests basic functions of a game's character, such as moving, shooting, or completing a task.

It is then tested by people who manually test the game's functionality and gaming experience. These tests check whether the game is running properly and also evaluate how it affects the game's experience. For example, it evaluates whether a game's graphics are beautiful and whether the game's controls are useful.

Finally, the game is released as a beta version and is tested by a few people who have played the game. These tests evaluate whether the game is running properly and how they affect the game's experience. Beta version tests also provide suggestions for optimizing the game's functionality and gaming experience.

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Earn money by testing games

Game testers can earn money by doing their duty to test games and find and report bugs and problems that may be found in the game. Game testers can earn money by working with game developer companies or by providing game testing services. How much money game testers make can vary based on one's experience and the payment policies of game developer companies.

For more information about making money as a game tester, you can search the internet. For example, you can learn about working and paying as a game tester from job postings of game developer companies or job research sites. Thanks to this information, you can get an idea of ​​how much money you can make as a game tester.

You can follow the steps below to earn money from the game test:

  1. Research platforms that will do game testing: First of all, you should research platforms that will do game testing. For example, platforms such as PlaytestCloud, UserTesting and Gamely are platforms where you can earn money by doing game testing.
  2. Fill in the application form: Fill in the application form on the platforms website and indicate that you can do a game test. For example, fill in information such as your gender, age, frequency of gaming so that platforms can find games that suit you.
  3. Consult recommended games: Platforms will recommend suitable games for you. By referring to the suggested games, you can start playtesting.
  4. Complete the playtest: Complete the playtest by playing the suggested game. Evaluate details such as the operation of the game, its controls, and its graphics by answering the questions set by the platforms.
  5. Get paid: After completing the game test, the platform will pay you the set fee. In order to receive payment, you can receive the payment by using the account information given to you by the platforms.

It is possible to earn money by testing games or, in other words, by trying games. It is possible to earn money by testing the game, especially for those who have mastered all the details of the game by following a game from its first release. If you contact the game's manufacturer and submit a request to become a game tester, you will receive a positive or negative response.

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