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Top Blog Topics (+10 Blog Ideas)

blog topics It is an important topic that a person should research before starting a blog. It is an important factor both in determining the purpose of your blog and in determining whether you can make money financially. The most clicked blog topics show very few breaks over time.

Shaping your site with popular blog topics both increases the number of visitors and increases your earnings. In this guide, I give advice on monetizing blog topics, topic suggestions for a personal blog, and so on. blog ideas how to find I offer a comprehensive guide.

Before starting a blog, it is very important to determine the subject and plan for the future. After the subject is determined, other factors such as keyword research and competitor site analysis are examined.

# I Recommend You To Read: Keyword Determination Methods

Your blog topic may have many alternatives and competitors. Don't let this dampen your enthusiasm and desire. It's not like everyone is doing quality work. It is extremely important for you to choose a blog topic that you are interested in and that you will not get bored of writing. You should definitely pay attention to this point.

Because most bloggers close their blog site after 2-3 months. The reason is boredom, not wanting to go further, not being able to find a topic to write about. Those who are looking for a topic suggestion for the blog will be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

I have meticulously prepared this content that will save you from this problem and it will answer all your questions. Start browsing through the list of blog topics I've listed below.

Top Blog Topics, Top Blog Ideas

1. How To?

how to make blog topics
how to make blog topics

How is it done? Blogs are very popular. How to make lentil soup? How is glue made? It is possible to produce content on many topics that you can think of.

People can no longer find solutions to things Google Trying to find it by typing in search engines such as How is it done? Opening a blog in the style of a blog earns a lot of clicks and gains.

In addition, creating such a blog can enable you to appear on a platform such as YouTube in the future. In addition to text content, it will provide you with an extra income in producing video content.

2. Travel

Among the blog topics, I can say that it is perhaps among the ones that receive the most clicks and earn the most. If you are interested in travel, a blog like this will be good for you.

You never get bored of writing and informing people because it's a blog topic you love. It can become a tremendous source of income for people who constantly travel and enjoy seeing places. It is inevitable that you will have the opportunity to work with hotels and tourism companies in the form of sales partnerships.

3. Advice

advice blog topics
advice blog topics

Advice, recommendation blog is again among the most clicked blog topics. People like to do research, look for advice and reviews before buying anything.

Choosing such a blog topic will not upset you both in terms of earnings and visitors. Content is easy to write. The resource is too much. For example, the best washing machines, the best televisions, the best ovens and similar content can be produced.

4. Review

Everyone needs unbiased information about a product or service before purchasing it. That's why the supply for online reviews is always high. Especially for things that are on trend.

If you can write high quality reviews, your blog will definitely get attention in no time! Additionally, if you maintain your quality and write long enough content, readers will see you as an expert in the industry.

But you should target a specific industry. If you are interested in more than one, you should create separate blogs for both.

When writing a review, you cannot meet the needs of just one company or brand. Identifying some pros and cons for each product you review increases your credibility.

5. Finance

finance blog topics
finance blog topics

Finance is a broad topic, but it is at the top of the blog topics that make money. It is inevitable that blogs created in credit, credit card, banking, real estate, stock market, crypto money and similar areas will make money.

A blog topic that brings so much profit is naturally competitive. You should identify words with high search volume and low competition rate.

These personal blog topics are chosen by people who really specialize in blogging. Because finding the right keywords and writing seo compatible articles is essential.

If you are going to open a new blog, it may be difficult for you to choose such a blog topic.

6. Movie Suggestions

Yes, there is a lot of demand for blogs in the style of movie recommendations, not watching movies. Due to the coronavirus epidemic that affected the whole world, new films could not be released. People are tired of watching the same movies over and over.

Those who want to watch movies when they are bored at home are looking for different and beautiful movies. This is where your blog can come into play. Publishing different and best movies on your blog where you give movie recommendations will cause a great return.

You can continue on your way by producing content such as space movies, vampire movies, apocalyptic movies. It is a very enjoyable blog topic that I am curious about.

7. Technology

tech blog topics
tech blog topics

The technology blog may be at the top of the most clicked blog ideas, but the competition is quite high. Such blogs earn a lot, get a lot of clicks. But your tech blogs must have more than one editor.

Due to the high competition, it is in a way that it can come to a place with an expense. When you enter this lane, you will have to compete with sites such as Webtekno. Don't let this scare you. Of course you can do better.

8. Fashion

Yes, opening a fashion blog is very popular in terms of both income and visitor return. Studies show that women click more on advertisements and engage much more.

He does not hesitate to comment on your blog posts and click on Google Adsense ads on your site. Of course, there is also competition among fashion blogs. However, if you support it through social media such as facebook and instagram, it is possible to get efficiency.

9. New Business Ideas

new business ideas most clicked blog topics
new business ideas most clicked blog topics

Starting a blog in the style of new business ideas has become quite popular. Because the coronavirus confined people at home, and people began to search for additional work. Make money online The demand for ideas about things to do on the Internet has increased.

Those who have this type of blog are reaping the benefits in terms of both clicks and earnings. Not only the coronavirus, but also the developing technology has paved the way for making money online. It is one of the blog topics that should definitely be evaluated.

10. List

You can set up a blog on list content, which has gained popularity especially in recent years. You can publish a list of useful tools, books, or other related resources for the masses with eye-catching titles like "Top 10 books".

The list blog, which is among the blog ideas, is enjoyable and has no problems in producing content. Profit and visitor opportunity are high.

That's all my list of blog topics for now. All the blog ideas on this list are profitable in terms of revenue and visitors.

If the blog topics I mentioned above are kneaded with perseverance, effort and determination, it can bring you up to 5-10-20 thousand TL per month with Google Adsense.

So how do I know these?

I've been interested in blogging, Google Adsense, affiliate marketing for years and I've been making money online thanks to Adsense and affiliate marketing. Previously, I had a blog in the style of business ideas and making money from the internet and I was earning 2.000 TL per month.

I sold this blog at price and entered a new adventure.


All the sectors that I have published in the list of blog topics are in a way that can bring you income. If you really want to do this job and earn passive income, you have to be determined and determined.

The common point of all unsuccessful bloggers is not being patient and getting bored. If you are going to start a business, definitely go all the way. You don't need to know everything. Continue on your way by researching and improving yourself.

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